Implementation of Elements of ROSSETI Group Strategy
The Company, being a part of Russia' Power Grid Complex and ROSSETI Group, strives to achieve the goals set at the state level for the implementation of the Development Strategy of Public Joint-Stock Company ROSSETI, subsidiaries, and affiliates (ROSSETI Group) until 2030 (hereafter referred to as Strategy) approved by the Board of Directors of Rosseti (Minutes No.388 dated December 26, 2019).
The major change in the operation of Rosseti’s Group is the transition to a business model of modern innovation infrastructure. Promoting the further upgrade of efficiency of current activities to develop the sector and ensuring reliability, quality and accessibility of infrastructure in the new digital environment is among the main strategic priorities. The Company focuses on the balancing of interests of all parties, including the government, consumers, shareholders, investors, as well as on the development of new business areas.
Achieving the Group's strategic priorities is planned by:
- Technological and innovative development;
- Digital transformation;
- Business diversification;
- Information and technological security provision;
- Improvement of operational and investment performance;
- promotion of legislative initiatives to improve pricing in the industry.
- Reliability. The Company seeks to ensure maximum reliable, uninterrupted power supply to cover the economic and social needs of Russia by taking every organizational and technical effort to guarantee reliable operation of grid infrastructure while also ensuring the security of its facilities.
- Human resources. The Company’s key resource is its personnel that has been preserving and boosting the Company’s value for a long time. Achievement of the strategic goals and objectives set by the Government by the Company depends on professionalism, conscientiousness, and labor safety of its employees to a large extent. Every employee of the Company is valuable regardless of gender, age, colour, nationality, and position. All the employees have equal opportunities for successful and effective work, professional development and career progress. While composing the staff (including management), the Company is driven by the principles of fairness and objectivity. The decisions on appointment or transfer are made based on business qualities of the employees only. The Company welcomes the so-called labor dynasties (translator’s note: cases where family members of different generations work for the same company) and enables their development. The Company promotes the continuity of generations by respecting the veterans’ experience while also enabling them to convey their knowledge and traditions to the new generations of workers, within labor dynasties as well. The Company promotes the continuity of generations by respecting the veterans’ experience while also enabling them to convey their knowledge and traditions to the new generations of workers, within labor dynasties as well.
- Performance. The Company is aware of its responsibilities to shareholders, investors, and partners, that is why performance efficiency is a fundamental value. The Company strives for continuous profit growth enabled by the strategic initiatives of supervision and governance bodies, top management, and shareholders.
- Safety. The Company relies on a strictly regulated and balanced approach to security as it takes measures to prevent possible offences.
- Social Responsibility. Rosseti Kuban is a socially responsible company that focuses on environmental protection, occupational safety, and social Programs.
Herein set forth the principles of professional ethics and conduct binding upon all employees of the Company:
- Professionalism;
- Integrity and responsibility;
- Interaction and collaboration;
- Image and reputation;
- Confidentiality.
The Company will not sacrifice its values for the sake of profit and perceives the said values as an interlink between all areas of activity expecting the same attitude from its business partners.
The Company holds dear its corporate values and maintains a high level of the corporate culture.