Tariff Policy and Tariffs for the Company Services
Tariff Policy
Prices (tariffs) for the Rosseti Kuban’s power transmission services and the grid connection fees are regulated by the state and set by the RPC-PTD KT orders. In the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea, where the Company operates, prices (tariffs) are unified for each group of power consumers.
The main regulatory legal acts regulating relations in setting regulated tariffs and the practice of their application are:
- Federal Law On the Electric Power Industry No.35-FZ dated March 26, 2003;
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation On Pricing in the Field of Regulated Prices (Tariffs) in the Electric Power Industry No.1178 dated December 29, 2011;
- orders of the Federal Tariff Service (FTS of Russia):
- On approval of the Guidelines for the Calculation of Tariffs for Power Transmission Services Established Using the Required Gross Revenue Long-term Indexation Technique No.98-e dated February 17, 2012,
- On Approval of the Guidelines for the Calculation of Regulated Tariffs and Prices for Electric (Thermal) Energy in the Retail (Consumer) Market No.20-e/2 dated August 6, 2004;
- Order of the FAS of Russia On Approval of the Guidelines for Determining the Fees for Grid Connection to Power Grids No.1135/17 dated August 29, 2017.
Power Transmission Tariffs
Since 2018, the Company has switched to the next long-term period of regulating tariffs for power transmission services for five years. The Rosseti Kuban’s power transmission tariffs and long-term regulatory parameters for 2018–2022 were set by RPC-PTD KT using the required gross revenue long-term indexation technique.
Unified pot tariffs for power transmission services, which were not reviewed during the regulation period, were approved by the Order of RPC - PTD KT No.44/2019-e dated December 27, 2019.
Indicator | Unit | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | Change 2020/2019, % |
RGR for power transmission approved within the tariff and balance resolutions Including: | RUB mln | 48,023 | 49,125 | 52,319 | 6.5 |
| RUB mln | 20,080 | 20,888 | 22,180 | 6.2 |
| RUB mln | 7,541 | 7,686 | 7,986 | 3.9 |
| RUB mln | 7,712 | 7,859 | 8,684 | 10.5 |
| RUB mln | 12,689 | 12,692 | 13,470 | 6.1 |
Pot useful output of electricity | mln kWh | 19,028 | 18,937 | 19,670 | 3.9 |
Average tariff for power transmission services by branch | RUB/kWh | 2.52384 | 2.59412 | 2.65990 | 2.5 |
The power transmission tariffs for 2020 are set with decrease in the second half of the year by HV voltage level equal to 10% and with 1.7% increase by other voltage levels relative to those set for the first half of the year.

Payments for Grid Connection
The standardized tariff rates determining the payment for connection to the power grids of the territory grid organizations, rates determining the payment for connection to the power grids of the territory grid organizations per unit of maximum power, as well as calculation formulas for the payment for grid connection based on standardized taking into account the way of connection to the power grids of the grid organization and implementation of corresponding measures are approved by Order of RPC - PTD KT No.49/2020-e dated December 29, 2020.
Indicator | Unit | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | Change 2020/2019, % |
The standardized tariff rates for compensation of expenditures for the grid connection of the power consumer terminals, grid facilities of the grid organizations or other parties by measures specified in Clause 16 of Guidelines (C1) and rates of payment per maximum power unit (C1) | RUB per one connection | 9,606.33 | 10,272.30 | 10,860.59 | 5.7 |
RUB/kW | 618.90 | 647.66 | 667.39 | 3 |